Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners for Pet Hair

Pets leave fur behind for a reason. Investing in a robot vacuum might be a good choice if your pet leaves messes so that they will be able to clean themselves and save you time.

We are here to assist you in finding the right model that fits your budget and includes all of the features you desire (and do not desire); there are plenty of models on the market today.

Does maintaining a clean home require the use of a robot vacuum? The following best-selling products are ideal for cat and dog owners!

The fact that they can pick up pet fur and loose crumbs from carpet fibres ensures that they are not going anywhere any time soon.

Be careful before you buy one because despite what they appear at first, those pesky long hairs always find their way into every brush bar orifice, regardless of how deep down in there we put them.

Your pets will no longer need to be cleaned up after if you have a robot vacuum. Assisting with seasonal shedding, the machine will do it for them!

This device will clean as necessary until those pesky sheds are removed if programmed to run daily or multiple times a day (depending on how pet-filled the house is).

Having tested more than 40 models, we have recommended the following robot vacuum cleaner for pet hair.

Based on both their ability to clean different surfaces as well as their costs in comparison to other models currently available, we believe this list can assist you in selecting the right model for your needs.

Our Top 6 Picks – Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners For Pet Hair

1. iRobot Roomba s9 (9150) Robot Vacuum

Top Product

iRobot Roomba s9

(9150) Robot Vacuum

Four handy high-quality accessories are included in the packaging along with the vacuum: an extra HEPA Filter, a Pack Of Multi-Surface Rubber Brushrolls, an extra Side Brush, and a Charging Dock.

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With the Roomba S9+, you can keep your home clean without having to empty dustbins or worry about allergens.

If you are looking for spotless floors and minimal spills, this expensive machine may be worth it.

With the release of the Roomba S9, a number of improvements have been made to the unit.

Thanks to the D-shaped design, it can be placed in corners and aligned against walls, as well as looking sleeker than previous models.

The new Form Restored will eliminate the need for you to empty your vacuum again. Since it will fill up, rather than shaking out dust on a regular basis.

This is a fantastic product for those who are time-poor or dislike doing chores around the house – forget about spending hours each day vacuuming up the gunk on floors and furniture.

Just pick up one charge session per month (30 cleans), which takes less than 3 minutes, and stick away safely until your next cleaning session.”

With a 12-inch diameter, it is smaller than earlier models, but still provides excellent results when vacuuming carpets or bare floors.

In spite of the fact that iRobot’s latest Roomba may operate on similar principles, due to its high-tech features, it has become a completely different machine from its predecessor.

Rather than shaking every few days or months, this vacuum can empty itself completely into a bag for easier disposal instead of requiring you to empty it manually.


  • Needs way less manual maintenance
  • Is good at getting debris from tight corners
  • Rarely gets tangled
  • Has impressive voice-command features


  • Can get loud at times
  • First cleaning jobs can take a long time because of a poor mapping system

2. iRobot Roomba i3+ (3550) Robot Vacuum

Best Over-all

iRobot Roomba i3+

(3550) Robot Vacuum

It supports google home and Alexy and by them, you can control this vacuum with the help of your voice.

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One company has had an early foothold in the cleaning robot market and continues to dominate it today: iRobot.

Over the years since the release of the original Roomba in 2002, successor products have continuously improved in terms of vacuuming efficiency, along with other features including smart connectivity and battery life.

Their newest product further automates this process by automatically disposing of dirt after each use.

Unlike most cleaning robots I have reviewed in recent months, iRobot offers separate products for vacuuming and mopping.

A Braava is designed exclusively for mopping, while a Roomba is designed to perform solely as a robot vacuum.

Accordingly, their latest model does not include any additional features aside from basic navigation abilities such as obstacle detection and avoidance.

You will enjoy having this lightweight robot in your home.

Besides a Clean Base Automatic Dirt Disposal dock, this vacuum has an AllergenLock bag that can hold dirt for up to 60 days, depending on how often you vacuum or how dirty the area is

 As the blower motor works, it collects everything from furniture into one easy disposal container for me.

I can take care of things outside, such as watering plants (or whatever) while this little guy does the work.


  • Self-emptying dustbin
  • Supports IFTTT and scheduling


  • Average battery life
  • Can be loud

3. Eufy By Anker BoostIQ Robovac 11s

Uprighted Vacuum


By Anker BoostIQ Robovac 11s

The Eufy Robovac 11S is a robot vacuum cleaner that delivers powerful suction and 100 minutes of run time. It automatically recharges and features remote control operation.

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Our favorite budget model, the Eufy RoboVac 11s, has been upgraded with updated technology. Compact and powerful, this robot vacuum provides effective cleaning performance.

There is no app control or voice recognition here (just good old fashioned power). 

However, when it comes down to it, this nifty device will make your house look as good as new without devoting a lot of time or resources to maintaining those pesky dirt bunnies living under all the carpets.

As the shortest robot vacuum we have tested, the RoboVac 11s is ideal for getting under very low coffee tables.

Because of the darker color and smaller size of the Eufy logo at the bottom, it is less noticeable.

Indicator lights are located on the front edge, which also serve as power buttons. When it is charging, it flashes orange, and when it has reached full battery charge, it flashes blue.

If there has been an error with operating this machine properly or something else is wrong, it may be confusing, but luckily you only have to turn off your vacuum before things will begin to right themselves again.


  • Affordable
  • Slim design


  • No app or voice control
  • No alert when it’s full

4. iRobot Roomba i7+ (7550) Robot Vacuum

Top Pick

iRobot Roomba i7+

(7550) Robot Vacuum

The new navigation system can scan the surroundings and detect objects in real-time with extreme precision. It also has an efficient pattern of cleaning that makes sure that not a single speck of dirt remains on the floor.

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You want something that will do the job well and do it efficiently when it comes to vacuuming.

Roomba i7+ is now available from iRobot! It combines smart navigation technologies such as multi-story mapping or adaptive camera-based navigation with Amazon’s services.

Having Alexa and Google Assistant voice control allows you to easily control this robot vacuum, which could very well become your favorite house cleaner.

Not only are they efficient, but they also have other great features, such as a dustbin disposal system, which will help you never forget where things go while doing washroom duty.

Do you wish to maintain a clean home, but you lack the time to do so? It is now possible to purchase the Roomba i7+!

Even when dealing with pets or children, this high-end robot vacuum is capable of handling any obstacle.

The fact that this thing does not require human intervention makes it the Editors’ Choice Award winner.

With its sleek design and matte black and silver color scheme, the Roomba i7+ is a compact, circular robot.

Located in its center is an oblong divot that houses a camera that provides 360-degree views of your home or office.

On either side are two buttons: one for spot cleaning (white) and the other to send the bot on its daily clean-up mission, wandering around all the hard-to-reach corners.


  • Has great suction
  • Has a decent battery life
  • Is reasonably priced
  • Has smart technology
  • Has an awesome app
  • Can clean a variety of floor types
  • Fits under most couches, beds, and tables
  • Charges relatively quickly
  • Mapping the house is a breeze


  • The automatic dirt disposal can be loud
  • Can get occasionally stuck on wires
  • Does not have reusable bags

5. iRobot Braava Jet M6 (6110) Ultimate Robot Mop

Low Budged

irobot Braava Jet M6

(6110) Ultimate Robot Mop

It is compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant so you can easily control it with your voice.

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At 3.5 inches by 10 inches (HWD), the Braava Jet m6 is a compact device. In spite of its heavy weight, it is easy to pick up and move around the house because it weighs only five pounds.

Its top panel contains a rear docking sensor camera as well as a carrying handle. When not in use, this little robot can be laid flat for a sleeker look or, if you wish, it can be raked on its side to showcase some modern artistry.

This is accompanied by three buttons: Home – for starting the cleaning mode; Clean – for manual cleaning without any schedule reminders.

I have changed my perception of robot mopping after using the Braava jet m6.

As a result of testing dedicated robotic devices like the iLife Shinebot W400 and diminutive 240, we believe they are good for quick cleanings in between the use of a regular bucket/mop along with elbow grease.

These devices are good for keeping the kitchen looking decent, but cannot replace a monthly deep clean without the help of one or more robots.

It was a good job being done by the floor vacuum.


  • Good battery life
  • Easy to use app


  • Expensive
  • Occasional issues with navigation

6. Eufy By Anker, RoboVac G30

Best Product

Eufy By Anker

RoboVac G30

This Robotic vacuum can only operate on surfaces like Carpets.

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It measures 12.8 inches in diameter and 2.85 inches in height, making it the smallest robot vacuum we have tested.

It features physical boundary strips that make it easy to place obstacles in specific areas without fear of getting tangled up with cords or other items under your desk; you can simply press a button for instant autonomy as needed (the vacuum will not cross these boundaries).

Robotic vacuum cleaners such as the Eufy RoboVac G30 are among the best in the industry.

2,000 Pa of suction power will ensure even the dustiest carpets are left dust-free, making it the ideal vacuum for keeping your home clean.

Its side brushes and drop sensors allow it to clean up all sorts of messes easily while following along its path with ease.

This is due, in part, to its spacious 600ml dustbin, which is also equipped with an E11 High-Performance Filter inside, which ensures that no dirty clumps are caught in the cracks of the bin.

Keeping your home clean can be made easier with the RoboVac G30, a powerful but reasonably priced robot.

For those who prefer hands-free operation during their daily routines, it features stronger suction than other models on the market. It’s very easy to use even if you have no experience with technology like this.

The only thing to remember is to not miss any important tasks since its battery lasts about 30 minutes less per charge than the Roomba 675 (so you don’t have to recharge unless an emergency arises).


  • Well-designed app
  • Easy to set up and use
  • Works with Amazon Alexa


  • Doesn’t support strips or virtual boundaries
  • Low battery life

When purchasing a vacuum for pet hair, what factors should be considered?


There is a whole lot more to come from your robot vacuum. Now that this technology has been implemented, you will be able to control and monitor all of its functions from your smartphone!

As such, it can be used at any time – not only when it is time to clean or charge up, but also if something goes wrong in the house (such as someone coming over).

Thus, we will be able to provide assistance around our homes at any time, so there is no need to spend time figuring things out alone since we have access to our homes 24/7.

Hybrid models

Hybrid vacuum and mop models are available. If you are looking for the best pick-up for your flooring type, stick with a standard robot vacuum.

These are not as effective at picking up fur from pets such as cats or dogs.

Multiple floors

It is now possible to clean your home with a robot vacuum cleaner of a new generation.

A number of models are capable of mapping out not only one room or floor, but also multiple floors so that the cleaner will always know where to go next.

Battery life

Before purchasing a robot vacuum, you should consider its battery life.

Look for a cleaner with an outlet-compatible base unit and batteries to keep it running when there is no electricity in certain parts of your home.

Dust capacity

When choosing the right trash can, several factors need to be considered. Ideally, you should choose one that is large enough so that it does not fill up too quickly. 

However, you should also choose one that holds your waste so that it does not spill all over!

In the case of a smaller volume, you may need to empty the bin more frequently, unless you have a self-emptying model.

Make sure you check out the 400ml minimum capacity before purchasing. If this is not the right fit for you, then compare these other models that are currently on sale.


How effective is the Shark ion robot at cleaning pet hair?

Pet hair can be easily handled by Shark ION Robots. This self-cleaning brush roll removes pet hair and debris from carpets and floors.

A tangle-free mini motorized brush is included with this machine for removing pet hair from upholstery and stairs.

Are robot vacuums effective at removing pet hair?

It is true that robot vacuums can pick up pet hair. The vacuum may need to be cleaned more frequently if your home contains a large amount of pet hair.

Moreover, some robotic vacuums are equipped with additional features designed to enhance their effectiveness in picking up pet hair.

What is the best method for cleaning a robot vacuum?

You will need to thoroughly clean your robot vacuum cleaner after each use. Make sure the dustbin is empty and the brush bar is free of fur.

It is also important to keep an eye on your filter, since it can easily become clogged with pet hair or other dirt if it is not regularly cleaned.

Ideally, we should change these filters ourselves, so remember to check how often they recommend changing them according to the type of machine we have (every 400ml bin should be emptied).

Maintaining a clean and fresh robot vacuum is important. You must ensure that the bin is emptied every few weeks or months (depending on how frequently it is used) in order for it to work properly.

As a conclusion

One major disadvantage of all those robots that shed: they often leave fibers and hair behind.

I strongly recommend that, if you are able to wait until fall or Amazon Prime Day (or just shop around), that you do so.

Since we know what Black Friday deals look like here in the United States, it should be easier for you to make your decision.

Retailers offer discounts all year long as well, so it should be easier for you to make your decision

There is a common misconception that online purchases of electronics are more expensive than local purchases, but this is not true.

I hope that this guide has been of great assistance to you. Feel free to ask any questions you may have.

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