You need your vacuum cleaner to clean all kinds of surfaces in your residence, including floors, carpets, stairs, furniture, and all hard-to-reach areas.
We should reciprocate for balance, don’t you think? The vacuum has to be maintained so that it can maintain you.
Periodic maintenance is vital for a vacuum to function at its full potential, whereas repairs are often caused by inadequate vacuum maintenance.
In today’s article, we will discuss ‘how to maintain your vacuum cleaner’ in order for it to last as long as possible.
Isn’t this a fair treatment for your vacuum? Consequently, let us examine the important tips for maintaining your vacuum cleaner
1. Replace your vacuum bag regularly or clean the canister before it becomes full
Regularly replacing the vacuum bag or emptying the canister of your vacuum cleaner is an easy and straightforward way to maintain your vacuum cleaner.
The efficiency of your vacuum cleaner is drastically reduced by a full bag or vacuum canister.

Suction strength of the vacuum cleaner decreases, which will cause debris to escape and move throughout your home.
In your vacuum cleaner, there is currently an obstruction in the airflow, which increases the risk of strain on the motor, which in turn damages the parts.
As a consequence, the vacuum cleaner will require unplanned repairs and replacements, thereby shortening its lifespan. Don’t you think this is unfair? Then stop worrying about it!
In general, the vacuum bags are replaced or the dirt cup is evacuated when they become full. This is fine.
In order to maximize the machine’s performance, you should replace the bag when it is between half and 3/4 full (70-80% full), just before the vacuum is fully loaded in every way.
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for removing debris.
Monitor the performance of your vacuum if it is not equipped with a full indicator.
The bagless vacuum cleaner has the advantage of enabling you to see precisely how much dirt and debris is trapped inside the dirt cup so that you can clean the canister when necessary.
The recommendation is not to reuse the vacuum bags. The cost of a replacement bag does not warrant a decrease in air quality in your home.
For more information, please refer to this article Are Vacuum Cleaner Bags Reusable?
2. Ensure that the vacuum’s brush roller is clean
It is also important to inspect and clean the brush roller of your vacuum cleaner in order to maintain and improve its efficiency.
There is a possibility that over time certain items may wrap themselves around the roll, preventing it from spinning to its maximum potential.
If you own pets or children, or if you have longer-haired inhabitants, the brush can get clogged with threads or hair enmeshed with dirt, floss, or strings.
A messed-up brushbar will make vacuuming more challenging since there will be a reduction in suction, which causes a temporary discomfort that over time can cause permanent damage.
As a result, the brush bar of a vacuum cleaner should be periodically cleaned to ensure it is free of germs and dirt.
The first thing you should do is to detach the brush roll in accordance with the structural arrangement of your device.
It is possible to remove the brush roll from most types of brushes by twisting and pulling it from the hose extension while others may just require a simple push of a button.
In any case, there is no play of tight force in this process. In the event you do not wish to have direct contact with the debris or dander on the brush roll, remove the wrapped objects with gloves.
Submerging the brush roll and bristles in mild detergent water will, surprisingly, loosen the clingy stubborn particles from the roll.
It may be necessary to use a washing-up brush of any kind to remove tough stains.
Having cleaned the brush bar, it should be dried off using a cloth (microfiber cloth is best) before being connected to the vacuum. Do not use bleach and read the instructions carefully.
A simple and effective way to effectively clean a dirty brush bar is to use another vacuum tool, such as the brush attachment, clip on the crevice tool, and vacuum along the bristles to remove the dirt.
Additionally, it is a given favorable time to clean the brush’s interior, now that you are so deeply involved in brush cleaning.
Unscrew the cap on either end of the brush roll (if your model has them) and wipe down any dust trapped inside with a damp cloth. Let’s begin scrubbing!
3. Inspect the belt
As soon as you have cleaned the brush roll, check whether it is spinning, because if it isn’t, you may need to check the belt.
The belts of most vacuum cleaners tend to stretch and wear out over time. As a result, the roller brush becomes sluggish or ceases to spin completely.
You should examine the belt for signs of stretching, rabbing, and narrowing. Ensure that the belt has not been damaged or displaced in any way.
It may be necessary to replace the belt if it is not tightly fitted against the roll.
According to common practice, you should replace the belt every six to twelve months.
This is, of course, not a fixed number, as changing the vacuum depends on how frequently it is used as well as the brand that vacuum represents.
Learn more about vacuuming your home in this article, How Often Should You Vacuum Your Home? so you can have a better understanding of when to vacuum your home.
Your vacuum cleaner belt may not need to be replaced twice a year if you do not use it very frequently, such as once every two to three weeks.
The belt may need to be replaced every few months if you use it every day.
Wow! You should not be alarmed as this is a normal issue. Belts are relatively inexpensive and are simple to replace.
A replacement can be obtained from an authorized supplier and replaced by yourself or by contacting a professional service agent.
To replace the belt yourself, simply remove the roll, slide the old belt off, and then slide the new belt on. To assist you, there is a step-by-step guide in the manual guide.
4. Clean the filter and the hoses
Maintaining the machine’s health and longevity requires frequent cleaning of the filters.
Newer vacuum cleaners come with filters that collect particles as small as 0.3 microns which may otherwise contaminate the air indoors.
This is why you should clean and replace the filters periodically, as the filters determine how clean the air is. It is easy to forget that vacuum filters are attached inside and are often invisible.
However, they will force you to remember them in an unpleasant way. Check the filter carefully. It is recommended to wash some filters every three months.
You should not use any chemical or detergent when washing these types of filters. Unless the instruction manual specifies otherwise, plain cold water is perfectly acceptable.
The filter can be used after it has dried completely without being heated. It is recommended that some filters be replaced every six months for regular vacuum usage, and every year for pet owners and every two years for light use.
You may wish to check your vacuum hose for any possible blockages if still your vacuum performance has not improved.
Take the hose and its attachments apart for a closer inspection. The trapped objects such as socks, underwear, or small toys may be the cause of a malfunctioning hose attachment.
The debris on the hose can be easily removed with a long stick or broom handle. In order to find hidden debris, straighten the hose and use a torch to shine light from one end to the other.
While your hose appears unblocked, keep an eye out for cracks or tears since this can cause air leakage and consequently loss of suction.
This is a problem that should be addressed by an authorized service provider.
You may also wish to consider the following tips in order to maintain a vacuum:
- Ensure that the vacuum bag is attached properly
- and that the nozzle height is adequate
- before scheduling the vacuum cleaner service
In conclusion
Vacuum cleaners of today differ greatly from those of the past. Considering that they are a significant investment, what are you going to do if there are any problems during the warranty period?
The best way to prevent costly repairs is to identify problems early on. That is why the vacuum is provided with a maintenance schedule.
And, hey, it’s okay if you are not a DIY enthusiast. Visits to the vacuum shop can be planned in the same manner as medical visits.
You can save a lot of time and energy by vacuuming. As a result, it is fair and beneficial to spend just a few minutes maintaining a vacuum.
In order to extend the lifespan of a vacuum, it is advisable to maintain its various working parts with an occasional cleaning and a little extra care.
In any case, maintaining your vacuum cleaner in good working order is straightforward and does not take up a lot of time if you know what it needs and how to do it.
Replacing a vacuum cleaner can be expensive and impulsive if you are annoyed by the noise it makes, but heeding these tips will make keeping it working efficiently and effectively relatively straightforward.